
Warbots are NFTs that can be minted by staking at least 1 full $MMAC token (see the Staking Guide for more information). They can be sent to the battle zone to compete against other Warbots for a portion of the winnings pool, bragging rights, valuable NFT drops, and XP.

There are 3 types of Warbots:

  1. Tractor - most common Warbot

  2. Walker - slightly rarer Warbot

  3. Aerial - the rarest Warbot type

Each type of Warbot has specific strengths and weaknesses, and each has interchangeable parts that can be combined in various ways to increase the rarity, stats, and value of the NFT. The parts can be freely traded and sold on the marketplace.

Upgrading Warbots

When a Warbot is first minted,

More info soon.

Last updated